Before anything else, don’t forget to go back and see the bonus Mother’s Day comic that went up on Sunday!  It’s even more garishly-colored than this one!

…and yes, this is the answer to how the food monster got all those holes in it that we hadn’t seen before.  The real question NOW is just what monsters actually were tastier than this one, and how often does Stilez resort to eating her opponents in the first place?

Oh, and just a quick head’s up: not this weekend but the following I’m gonna be at Animazement, and I am currently CATASTROPHICALLY behind on preparation.  As a result of all the other stuff I need to get done over the next week and a half, there’s a real possibility that the TWC Incentives might end up getting disrupted for a bit.  I dunno, I’m gonna try to keep that from happening… but HOLY COW is my To-Do List ever backed up…

EDIT: Okay!  TWC Voting Incentive is MIRACULOUSLY up!