A series of short stories about two soulmates who meet in multiple lives across time and space. Sometimes silly, sometimes spicy; story #1 begins in the Wild West.
A 'completely' normal human Dr. Perdix Gate is assigned their new federal agent in the burnt out remains of an American Gothic diner. The two become intertwined by each others lives within moments of meeting each other. The supernatural seems drawn to them and them to each other. This is a QL ( a queer love) story.
A week late for the launch of the latest deepdive VR-Game, S.E.N, "Drakuun" logs in to catch up, but somehow the game starts unexpectedly.
Once emerging from the deepest levels of the dungeon he spawned in completely gearless, Drakuun has to fight off mobs of other players hunting him down as a monster and join hands with an unusual outlaw.
Coming back from school, Jasper wasn't expecting to stumble on his former bullier, Tony. Even though everything seem to oppose them, the mysterious apparition of superpowers in town will force the two young people to work together, bringing them closer than they expected...
Ruth gets caught up in a rescue of a lifetime when she and three other teenagers are transformed to magical warriors. However, she has one other secret. Could she be brave enough to tell her comrades?
Tempest—a wanted pirate with no ship and no attachments—spends her time dancing around the gallows and making a mockery of the law. She takes and does as she pleases, consequences be damned.
But that might all change when she saves Callisto's life.
The year is 1950something, and Florence Walker has more than enough on her plate. She’s just gotten married and moved across the state to the little town of Cherrybrook, where everyone seems to be in on a secret she doesn’t know. The last thing she needs is to find out her next door neighbor is a serial killer…
A heart is a useless asset in the mecha war, but it can’t be ignored forever.
Oz is seen as the weakest cybermancer in Neo Dover. Only one other man, Mateo, sees his true potential, as the two set off to stop the alien invaders of the Gorgon Empire, and Oz slowly unlocks the power of legends.